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Inventory optimization realised

nVentic helps organisations reduce working capital tied up in inventory while improving or maintaining service levels.

“The results are exceptional and have made a major difference to our cash flow.”

– CFO, Global manufacturing company

Make inventory optimization a reality

nVentic combines deep expertise in inventory optimization with advanced analytical tools to give you a competitive edge in inventory management.

New developments in technology are making it increasingly possible to apply some of the best scientific work to real world supply chains. But the promise of fully digital and automated supply chains is still a distant one for most organisations. Optimization technology more often than not fails to deliver on its promises.

At nVentic, we combine the practical business focus of management consulting with the high-speed analytical capability of advanced information technology. We rapidly distil practical insights from data in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Our people concentrate on the human challenges of implementing and sustaining resilient and lean supply chains. Which helps you get closer to inventory optimization than ever before.

Some of our clients

WILO logo
SHV Energy logo
BMW logo
Wiha logo
Katek logo
Beaulieu International Group logo

Get your inventories in shape

Our unique approach to supply chain puts inventory optimization front and centre. After all, having the right goods in the right place at the right time is the very essence of good supply chain management.

  • Do you spend a lot of your time dealing with shortages while you have excessive amounts of other inventory?
  • Do you find it hard to know exactly what the right amount of inventory to hold is?
  • Do you have “inventory optimization” tools that are hard to understand or use or that haven’t led to the improvement in results you were expecting?

We help organisations across industries deal with these challenges and more.

Contact us today to start a conversation and take the first step in getting your inventories closer to optimal. Check out our insights and case studies for inspiration into your inventory opportunities.

A man in a high visibility jacket checks inventory in a warehouse

Recent Case Studies

Inventory optimization for a process industry

Inventory optimization for a process industry

nVentic helped a process industry manufacturer with inventory optimization, identifying improvements of over 20% while hitting target service levels.

We also helped this client make progress in master data management and reevaluate the impact of Minimum Order Quantities.

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Fixing shortages and excesses at the same time

Fixing shortages and excesses at the same time

nVentic allowed a manufacturer to pinpoint and resolve problems with both shortages and excess stocks in just a few months.

Availability of products for customers was the top priority, but it is the nature of inventory imbalances that excesses and shortages go hand in hand, so both could be resolved simultaneously.

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Finding an extra 15% for an automotive manufacturer

Finding an extra 15% for an automotive manufacturer

A leading manufacturer thought they had already optimized inventory, but nVentic helped them find further potential for improvement.

Epic data problems were quickly addressed and further potential identified in inventories that this manufacturer had previously considered as optimal as it gets.

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Procurement outsourcing advisory

Procurement outsourcing advisory

Procurement outsourcing is increasingly common but full of pitfalls. The opportunities to go wrong, or realise sub-optimal outcomes are many. Our client was a multinational medical devices manufacturer who had decided to outsource a significant proportion of their procurement function to a third-party service provider. Procurement outsourcing context The client had already identified potential service […]

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